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Creating A Beautiful Home and Garden

When I purchased a home a few years ago, I had no idea what kind of workload I would be faced with. In addition to trying to figure out how to keep the place clean, I was also left with the challenge of tidying up the yard and keeping things trimmed. It was a little overwhelming, but I knew that I could do it with a little hard work and dedication. I started reading a lot of books and blogs about creating gorgeous things for your home and yard, and it was a great creative outlet. This blog is all about exciting, fun ways to make your home and yard even more beautiful.

Creating A Beautiful Home and Garden

4 Reasons to Invest in a Custom Wall Bed

The beds that you choose to place in your home make a difference. You want beds that look great, don't waste space, and work well for the look and design of the room. If you're looking to save space, but need to buy a bed, you may want to invest in a custom wall bed. This can allow you to get the perfect bed for your room without sacrificing space or making the room look crowded.

What You Need To Know About Putting Your AC Unit To Bed For The Winter

If you're like most homeowners, your AC unit gets quite a workout during the warm season keeping your household occupants cool and comfortable while temperatures soar outside. Now that autumn is finally here, your AC system is finally getting a much-needed rest. However, once that warm weather rolls around again, you're going to want your air conditioner to be up to the job. Keep in mind that the most common time for AC units to malfunction is during the first heatwave of the season, and technicians are usually so backed up on service calls they may not be able to get to you right away — which could mean that you and your family may have to endure several long, hot days until it's able to be repaired.

How You Can Maximize Your Home's Air Conditioning Efficiency

When you live in a southern climate or a climate that sees high summer temperatures, your home's air conditioning efficiency is an important part to staying comfortable day and night. If you have already invested in a home air conditioner that struggles to keep your home cool, you can make some small adjustments to increase the unit's efficiency. Here are some simple changes you can make in and around your home to help keep your home as cool as possible.

Tips To Maintain Your Thermostat To Help Keep Your Home Heated Comfortably In The Winter

When your home's thermostat is not calibrated properly and not working right, it can have an affect on the comfort of your home and the efficiency of your home heating system. Just as you clean and maintain your furnace you should also clean and maintain your thermostat every year. If your thermostat is set at 70 degrees F, but is actually maintaining your home's temperature at 73 degrees F, the extra energy used can increase your energy bill by up to seven percent more.