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Creating A Beautiful Home and Garden

When I purchased a home a few years ago, I had no idea what kind of workload I would be faced with. In addition to trying to figure out how to keep the place clean, I was also left with the challenge of tidying up the yard and keeping things trimmed. It was a little overwhelming, but I knew that I could do it with a little hard work and dedication. I started reading a lot of books and blogs about creating gorgeous things for your home and yard, and it was a great creative outlet. This blog is all about exciting, fun ways to make your home and yard even more beautiful.

Creating A Beautiful Home and Garden


Kitchen Trends For 2020: Implement These In Your Remodel

The year 2020 is almost here. If you are planning to remodel your kitchen this upcoming year, then you need to take current trends into account. Here are a few recent kitchen trends to consider implementing as you remodel. Navy Blue Subdued tones have been stylish in the kitchen for years, but in 2020, navy blue is becoming the color of choice. You can choose navy cabinet doors, or just incorporate some navy accents in your tile backsplash.

3 Things To Know When Choosing Bathroom Cabinets

Whether you are remodeling your bathroom or building a new one, choosing the right bathroom cabinets is a must. Your cabinets offer valuable storage space and also have a big impact on the appearance of your bathroom. When choosing bathroom cabinets, it's important to make sure that you pick an option that works well with the style of your bathroom and your budget. There are various options to choose from, and finding the right cabinets for your bathroom is easier than ever.

What You Need To Know About Putting Your AC Unit To Bed For The Winter

If you're like most homeowners, your AC unit gets quite a workout during the warm season keeping your household occupants cool and comfortable while temperatures soar outside. Now that autumn is finally here, your AC system is finally getting a much-needed rest. However, once that warm weather rolls around again, you're going to want your air conditioner to be up to the job. Keep in mind that the most common time for AC units to malfunction is during the first heatwave of the season, and technicians are usually so backed up on service calls they may not be able to get to you right away — which could mean that you and your family may have to endure several long, hot days until it's able to be repaired.

How To Prepare Your Chimney For The Upcoming Winter

When the summer dwindles, this is the time to start thinking about any preparations you need to make for the winter. For households with a fireplace, having your chimney serviced will not only improve the efficiency of your heating, but it can also reduce the risk of chimney fires. Inspection You should anticipate having your chimney inspected before each upcoming season you plan to use the fireplace. A major part of the inspection is checking the integrity of the chimney.

Three Ways To Make Your Home More Delivery-Friendly

With more and more services being brought right to your front door, it's important to make sure your home is delivery-friendly. Whether you order groceries online or get takeout through different apps each week, making it easy for drivers to find your address can mean the difference between getting your packages and missing out. Here are a few ways you can make your home's setup ideal for deliveries. Backlit Address Numbers

How To Use Decorative Quarry Stone To Beautify Your Yard

If you're looking for an easy way to add instant curb appeal to your home, consider landscaping your front or backyard with decorative quarry stone. You can either purchase the rocks at a do-it-yourself home retailer or through a company that directly sources the stones from a decorative stone quarry.  When it comes to landscaping your home's outdoor areas with stones, you'll have a wide variety of sizes, colors, and styles from which to choose.

Safety Precautions To Take With Mold Removal

Mold removal can seem like an easy task you can do at home. While it is doable, you should know that mold and mildew can adversely affect your health. Even if you are not asthmatic and do not currently suffer from respiratory infections like pneumonia or sinusitis, the process of removing molds can increase your risk. Mold spores are the ones responsible for these health problems and you should avoid inhaling them.

Are You Thoroughly Cleaning Your Kitchen?

During the past holiday season did you focus on things like decorating your house, baking and going to holiday events? If so, you more than likely were exhausted after New Year's, maybe even taking time off from heavy house cleaning. Now that you're well into 2019, perhaps you have decided that you'll start with your kitchen, organizing and making it super clean. From arranging for home pest control services to buying air-tight storage containers, here are some ideas that might help you.